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MarkLogic 12 EA 1 Product Documentation
GET /manage/v2/servers/{id|name}?view=package


This resource address returns configuration details about the named App Server in a format suitable for use with the /manage/v2/packages interfaces. The server can be identifed either by id or name.

URL Parameters
group-id The id or name of the group to which the App Server belongs. This parameter is required.
format The format of the returned data. Can be either html, json, or xml (default). This value overrides the Accept header if both are present.
modules Whether or not to include a manifest of the modules database for the App Server in the results, if one exists. It is an error to request a modules database manifest for an App Server that uses the filesystem for modules. Default: false.
Request Headers
Accept The expected MIME type of the response. If the format parameter is present, it takes precedence over the Accept header.
Response Headers
Content-type The MIME type of the data in the response body. Depending upon the value of the format parameter or Accept header, one of application/xml, application/json, or text/html.


Upon success, MarkLogic Server returns status code 200 (OK), and the response body contains the requested data.

Required Privileges

This operation requires the manage-user role, or the following privilege:


Usage Notes

You can request a package view as HTML, XML, or JSON, but only the XML and JSON formats can be used as input to the /manage/v2/packages interfaces, such as POST /manage/v2/packages/{pkgname}. The structure of the data in the response body depends on the type of App Server (HTTP, XDBC, ODBC, etc.).



==> Returns the package representation of the App Server MyServer 
    in the Default group.

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